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Professional Development

3 Tips for Passing the PPR

Written by Ronda Powell, TE Manager of Certification/Operations

Our next Teaching Excellence professional learning event is approaching quickly along with the date for registering and taking the TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities exam. In preparation for this test, our next PLS will be dedicated to PPR review.

For ACP candidates studying for this test, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

1. Understand the test.

You need to understand the context behind the exam questions. Always keep the following BIG IDEAS in the back of your mind. They will help you narrow down answer choices to the best one.

  • Think about the questions in the context of an ideal world where anything is possible. Teachers have all the money, time, admin and parental support to teach and make decisions. Additionally, all students are ideally behaved.
  • Any “student-centered” or “students first” answer is correct. It is never about the pressure and demands of being a teacher; it’s all about the kids.
  • Generally, answers that include “buzz words” or key terms are often correct. Most answers that include technology AND instruction are correct.
  • Answers should be age-appropriate. Sometimes two answers sounds right, so you have to double check the questions for the grade level; the right answer is the one that fits best for that particular age.

2. Study strategically.

ETS publishes the testing framework for the PPR EC-12 exam, which tells you all sorts of helpful information including the content of the test and how each domain is weighted. The pie chart below reflects the percentages of questions in each domain. When you’re preparing, focus your energy on the more heavily weighted portions. Additionally do a quick review of all the domains and competencies narrowing your focus on the ones that seem less familiar.

3. Prepare for the test day.

Any good test prep class will tell you to get lots of sleep and eat a good breakfast on test day. And it’s true; feeling rested and well-fueled will contribute to a higher score.

For those of you in the Teaching Excellence program, feel confident in your preparation. Take full advantage of the opportunity to take the PPR Diagnostic and study the areas where you struggled. At the PPR Review day we’ll work on internalizing the BIG IDEAS above, and we’ll have plenty of practice thinking through test questions. Plus you’ll have six months of teaching under your belt!

Any veteran PPR test-takers have any other tips to share?


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